Layering Autodesk Applications - Licensing Errors

This post is pretty short and simple, but I thought it merited a separate post for this issue.

Problem: When layering multiple Autodesk Products in separate layers, you will likely run into errors pertaining to licensing (you will theoretically get a pop-up indicating an issue for all but 1 program).  This is due to Autodesk keeping 1 file that holds the licensed product information for all Autodesk programs installed on a machine.  If this file is incomplete, you will run into this error.  The way most layering works is the last layer to lay down will win in any conflicted files.  (Note: Liquidware's ProfileUnity/FlexApp does do some microisolation in newer releases.  Previously this was an issue there as well, but I have not tested recently to see if this problem is solved with their microisolation technology)

The file affected is typically "C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\AdLM\ProductInformation.pit".  The file can have more products in it than you have installed, but can't be missing something you have installed.

Solution 1: Create a machine and install all Autodesk programs on it.  Then copy the ProductInformation.pit file above into each Autodesk layer you make, or make sure it is the version of the file left at the end of any layering process (you could put it in its own layer and have it layer in last, or even remove the file from the layers and put it in the base [although then when new programs are added the base will have to be updated, defeating the purpose]).

Solution 2: Create your first Autodesk layer.  Copy that ProductInformation.pit file into a folder.  When you make your next layer, place this file in the above path before installing the next program.  It will append the information for the next program to the file.  Repeat for each layer.

In Citrix App Layering, the newest layer has preference, so the ProductInformation.pit file will be from the last layer created.  In Liquidware's ProfileUnity/FlexApp, you can specify the order layers will come in.

I cannot take full credit for this, it was shared with me by the guys at American Structurepoint who I believe worked through this with Citrix App Layering support.  Thanks for the help!


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